|The London Times|

Two of "U.S."
Friday, November 4th, 2004 at 2:52 p.m.

Sooner or Later

I have so much to say, so much that I want to lash out against, so much to mourn, but I've decided to take a more theoretical route there. . .

It is now my opinion that we live in two separate countries, under the guise of one. My America, whom I love so much is not the America that elected Bush. My America would notice that he is a hideous president, and not be clouded by greed, religion, or 'morals' to see that.

(Meanwhile, may I ask how it is moral to lie about having oral sex in a private room, but it is PERFECTLY MORAL to lie about a war and cause LIVES of the young poor.)

At first I thought, I can't go back. I was so disgusted with the outcome, and the way the majority thinks (or doesn't think as the case is in many cases) I can not live in a place like that. But then I realized that I won't be made a outcast in my own country. And if people like me leave, they win. I'm a patriot. I'll fight for my country. But at least my America is where I live, San Francisco. How I love that oasis of intellect.

Because intellect overcomes conservatism. Take Washington D.C. They are an extremely conservative area, but because they are also the most politically well-informed area in the states, their knowledge transcended this and the district voted for Kerry ninety-one percent.

But I'm degressing (so easy to do with this), so going back to the fact that I truly believe we are now two nations. . .I find it so ironic that Bush originally claimed in 2000 to intend to cross the partisan divide that existed then. And yet it has only increased due to his policies. Political analyst Paul Begala was quoted by CNN as saying,

"President Bush is one of the most talented dividers in American political history. He skillfully used anti-gay bigotry, the Bible, even war to divide Americans so as to conquer Kerry. I have no faith in his ability to unite us after this bitter season of division."

They also included Tucker Carlson, a conservative pundit, who was sceptical as well:

"Iraq War: It's going to be hard to convince people who are against it it's good.
Cultural values: Those rifts are unmendable -- Americans are divided. It's the secular coasts versus the religious heartland."

Bush expects the type of agenda he has established to UNITE us? It's absurd, and a lie. But he always gets away with his lies.

And once again he says we need to cross a bridge, but it can't be crossed because he has burned that bridge down. In a news conference at the Executive Office Building in Washington, he had this to say:

"With the campaign over, Americans are expecting a bipartisan effort and results. I will reach out to everyone who shares our goals and I'm eager to start the work ahead."

Except that we don't share his goals! So evidently we'll be left out in the cold, burning (for four more years). There is NO WAY I am going even near those people. They horrify me, they represent the worst of America. I will NOT asssociate with people who think, as one of those idiotic Baldwin brothers does, that "religion is being systematically removed from our government" and therefore he is voting for Bush, (I can't even comment on that one it is so ludicrous and telling in many ways), or the person who believes that gays threated the sanctity of marriage (like Aileen has also said, gays can't even marry in a church anyway, so why does the government legislate as well? Committed relationships only add to the stability of a society, so why on earth should it be discouraged?) I can't cross a bridge to people who revel in their ignorance, or believe that the war was a good idea, or view Bush as practically a demigod.

Oh and by the way (I digress again, like I said: so easy) how ironic is it that the US fought a WAR to separate from England and the oppressive monarchy to establish democracy, and yet here in England Tony Blair is being held accountable so his actions, and is seen as a fallible human being. In AMERICA though, we have a leader who may not be criticized, who is like a king whose judgments are right and must not be questioned. His word is IT. find it supremely ironic that democracy is working better in England right now, the force we opposed in order to originally establish the system.

One of my biggest fears has come to life, that through this election, Americans have said that they support what he has done in the past four years (HOW. . . ?!). This affirmation has validated and lent credence to those actions, and we have just been incredibly lowered in the eyes of the world. Trust me, I know. I mean, you should see the headlines of mainstream, prestigious London papers today! They were all horrified and disgusted with America.

One newspaper's front page was one solid block of black, with small lower cased white words in the center, "oh, god." Another showed a picture of Bush with the very large caption across the page reading. "How could 59,422,689 people be so stupid?? Another displayed awful images from his first (ewwww) term with the words, "Can we endure four more years?" And others as well with the same sentiments. Let me remind you, these are normal, mainstream papers!

The first time around, at least I could offer the excuse of the confused elections coughstolenelectioncough, but this time, we've seen what he has done, and RE-ELECTED him. Now, all I can repeat is, "not my country, not my America. . ."

I know this may all be jumbled, and so are my thoughts. But basically my point is, I don't think the US has been this decisively divided since the civil war, and on this path I can't see us ever coming out. I remember so clearly the good times during Clinton, and I was aware of how good they were, but I couldn't imagine things being bad. Now I know, thought, and I feel like I sense the end. No words can express my anguish.

Bush 2, America 0
When Bush wins, the U.S. loses.

What I need right now is a soundtrack to go with this pain. Colleen, best friend who feels as bad as I do, came up with Avril Lavigne's So Much For My Happy Ending. Any other suggestions?

Sooner or Later

What song is playing on my iTunes right now:

What I'm reading:

What I'm Wearing:

Back to anecdotal journalism again! - Tuesday, May 1st, 2007
Plan? - Monday, Jun. 19, 2006
FINALLY things are going better!
(This month redefined my understanding of stress and 'hell')
- Monday, April 24th, 2006
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Chloe � 2006