|The London Times|

Sunday, April 4th, 2004 at 11:29 p.m.

Sooner or Later

Fucking WEIRD. I just found out some really horrific and shocking news about someone that I knew really well in high school, but with whom I've lost touch.

Someone I don't know coincidentally happened to read in this journal that I knew her (though I can't recall mentioning her) and he sent me the link to this article (apparently they go to the same school):

"A [edited] University student was arrested on a charge of homicide Saturday morning after police discovered her deceased newborn inside a plastic bag in her sorority house bedroom.

[Edited], 20, "took the child's life with her own hands after giving birth" on April 1 while alone in her Kappa Sigma Delta sorority house bedroom, according to a Chico Police Department press release.

Police Sgt. Rob Merrifield said [edited] admitted the child was born alive, but said he could not elaborate on the specific cause of death.

[Edited] was arrested and booked into the Butte County Jail in Oroville and is being held on $1 million bail."

It goes on. Apparently she had concealed the pregnancy.

It's just so bizarre to read about something like this after knowing them.

I don't understand! If you don't want the child, why don't you just have an abortion?? And if you're going to keep it the whole pregnancy then you might as well give it up for adoption and make some other couple's dream come true! I mean, the whole reason women get abortions is because they don't want to carry the baby to term.

It's so sad. First of all it's sad that she felt like killing the baby was her only option. She had no one to talk to, no one to confide in? Also, why did she think that murder would be less of a life-ruiner than admitting she was pregnant? Because now her life will be ruined. Not only will the memory of the act always haunt her, but she will go to prison, where women do not take kindly to baby-killers. She will lose her youth there, and then when she gets out, what will she do?

The most insane things have been happening lately. My mom's good friend at work was stabbed to death with scissors by her husband last week. That article is here.

In the past 2 days I've been completely bowled over by knowing people who have had incredibly horrific stories in the news. You think it always happens to 'others,' especially if you're in a financially stable, educated class, with friends of the same type. I guess these past two days have kind of rocked that notion for me.

Sooner or Later

What song is playing on my iTunes right now:

What I'm reading:

What I'm Wearing:

Back to anecdotal journalism again! - Tuesday, May 1st, 2007
Plan? - Monday, Jun. 19, 2006
FINALLY things are going better!
(This month redefined my understanding of stress and 'hell')
- Monday, April 24th, 2006
Just a few more days! - Monday, February 27th, 2006
Another one to chalk up to College Experiences - Sunday, February 12th, 2006

Chloe � 2006