|The London Times|

(There is no way I can come up with a single title for all this!)

Thursday, October 21st, 2004 at 11:50 a.m.

Sooner or Later

According to The Evening Standard in London, I missed my chance to party with Prince Harry. I normally don't really give a damn about the royals but Harry is just so damn adorable! I love me some gingers. He was photographed outside of Pangaea last night. How bitter am I!

I miss my old template! I seriously need my gold membership back. (If only my mom hadn't closed the Paypal account that also had my credit card info on it! Grr). Anyway. . .

I bet your Thursday doesn't beat mine! I got up at 5 a.m. to drag my butt down to a city south of London where the national Home Office is. I need to get my Student Visa extended, and so I spent the freezing cold morning huddled with a giant group of desperate and traumatized refugees and asylum seekers. JEALOUS? I think they make as stand outside for 4 hours in the line to weed people out, like: "Oh are you SURE you want to stay here? You will have to endure this weather if you want to come in. And are you sure you want to live in a place with this kind of weather??" I feel sorry for people who will come in the winter months since apparently this is going to be the coldest winter in ages. I mean, mid October was bad enough, yikes!

So I thought that I'd be able to get this done by 2 p.m. since I got there at 6 a.m., because I have a midterm at 3 p.m., but apparently not. I finally got inside only to be assigned a number (for which I had to pay $500!!!), and then they told me the wait would be another 4-5 hours at least. FABULOUS! So I am missing my midterm. I e-mailed my prof and told him the situation (I had him for 2 semesters last year; I got As and he wrote me my recommendation letter for my scholarship), so hopefully he'll let me take it when I get back! Aye-aye-aye. At least I don't have to wait outside though, or in the waiting room. We're free to wander off, so I'm in the public library with access to free internet, yay! And it's so waaaarm. . .

I'm going home tomorrow, which is so exciting! At least since I'm doing this now they'll definitely let me back into the country. My Visa expires on November 4th, and I come back on November 1st, so that would be a bit sketchy! Anyway, home. It's my Fall break and all my friends are going places I've been to so many times, and while I'd pay the prices to go somewhere new, I wasn't that willing to pay for things I've already seen so often. I'll be in San Francisco for a little while, and then I'm flying up to Seattle where two of my best friends go to school. We may be taking a little foray up to Vancouver!

I'll be excited for the usual things:
My kitties
In 'n' Out (all the California people are sooo jealous, lol)
My comfy comfy bed
TV (I watch zero here)
Seeing friends and family there of course!
Shopping at Crossroads, oh you know it!

Plus I forgot various things, like half of my DVDs, some CDs, my perfume, a denim skirt I wear all the time, etc, so I'll be able to bring them back. Plus I have so much crap in my room that I will be bringing back a stuffed-full suitcase to just drop things off. Then when my mom visits me at the end of next month I'll send her home with something, then at Christmas again. Or else packing back up at the end of May will be an absolute nightmare, not to mention that if I get a roommate next semester she wouldn't have a place to even hang a scarf, lol. I don't use 60% of my stuff anyway, come to think of it!
Wow I'm tired. I did got to sleep at 10 but ended up not falling asleep until 1. You know how that goes? The more you will yourself to sleep, the more it's just not going to happen. I did everything that helps me sleep too. . .you know, the hot shower, the clean room, made bed, reading a bit before, and nature was helping me out! There was a huge rainstorm that sounds fantastic on my my room's three windows. But alas it did not happen. Up until now I've been really alert, but I've been sitting for an hour now. . .bad news.

I would be studying right now if I thought a had a chance in hell of actually making it to this afternoon's midterm (sigh), but as I don't, I'm updating this, whee!

Well I think I'm going to go explore this library, it's really nice. Have a nice end-of-the-week, everyone, and S.F. people: I'll see you this weekend or the beginning of next week, yay!

It's 5:30 and I just got home. I feel thoroughly molested by the process but at least I accomplished what I set out to do. Plus I happened to originally queue up right behind one of my classmates, so we bonded through the trauma. I did miss my midterm but my professor kindly allowed my final to count for both, and since I've done well on them this is really a great offer. I need to sleep for a few hours though: my friend got us on the guest list of this eighties music dance club called poptastic80s, which is going to be so fun, but I absolutely positively need my power nap first! My flight tomorrow isn't until 2:30 and somehow I have to stay awake from tonight til then, on 5 hours of sleep (it's my ritual for a harmonious flight and transfer of time zones). Er. . .I'll get back to you on that one!

One last thing. I know I said that I am totally cutting myself off from hearing anything about politics now that I've cast my vote and the debates are over and I justcannottakeitanymore! But these jokes from RumbleLizard's page are so funny that I have to include them:

Q: How many Bush administration officials does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. There's nothing wrong with that light bulb. There is no need to change anything. We made the right decision and nothing has happened to change our minds. People who criticize this light bulb now, just because it doesn't work anymore, supported us when we first screwed it in, and when these flip-floppers insist on saying that it is burned out, they are merely giving aid and encouragement to the Forces of Darkness.
-- John Cleese

Q: What's the difference between Vietnam and Iraq?
A: Bush had a plan for getting out of Vietnam.


Sooner or Later

What song is playing on my iTunes right now:

What I'm reading:

What I'm Wearing:

Back to anecdotal journalism again! - Tuesday, May 1st, 2007
Plan? - Monday, Jun. 19, 2006
FINALLY things are going better!
(This month redefined my understanding of stress and 'hell')
- Monday, April 24th, 2006
Just a few more days! - Monday, February 27th, 2006
Another one to chalk up to College Experiences - Sunday, February 12th, 2006

Chloe � 2006