|The London Times|

Aye aye aye. . .
Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2004 at 1:40 p.m.

Sooner or Later

I am spending a marvelous a.m. tomorrow with desperate asylum seekers and refugees. I have to get my student Visa extended at the Home Office, on the opposite side of London from Kensington: Croyden. I only realized yesterday that my Visa runs out while I'm back in the U.S. this week, so that means I have to cram it in tomorrow! I have a midterm which I obviously can't miss at 3, though, so. . .I am getting up at 5:30 to leave at 6, so that I can get there at 7, so that I can be one of the first in line for when it opens at 8, because apparently the wait can be around three hours (other students have told me). And that is just to GET a number. Obviously I can't miss my midterm so I hope that it doesn't take any longer than 5 hours. That's my maximum or else I will just have to get it in the states! I have enough to do there (3,000 word and 2,000 word papers, to name a few), so I'd rather get it done with here.

It is a miracle that I've managed to assemble all my paperwork in 24 hours. I needed:
A letter from my school explaining my status
My transcript
My classes registered for next Spring, and the current ones I'm in (good thing I've already registered!)
My attendance record
My parents' bank statement and a letter saying they are supporting me (faxed in)
2 Passport pictures
and of course, my passport, but I already have that.

Unfortunately, it costs $500!!! So I'm stuck in London, lol. . .maybe "stuck" isn't quite the right word.

Well I'm off to class at The Tower of London. Normally this would be enjoyable but it's freezing and rainy outside. Better run up and grab my umbrella! Cheerio.

Sooner or Later

What song is playing on my iTunes right now:

What I'm reading:

What I'm Wearing:

Back to anecdotal journalism again! - Tuesday, May 1st, 2007
Plan? - Monday, Jun. 19, 2006
FINALLY things are going better!
(This month redefined my understanding of stress and 'hell')
- Monday, April 24th, 2006
Just a few more days! - Monday, February 27th, 2006
Another one to chalk up to College Experiences - Sunday, February 12th, 2006

Chloe � 2006