|The London Times|

Thursday, May 26th, 2005 at 12:30 a.m.

Sooner or Later

I registered for the LSAT last night! Dun dun dunnn. I have to take it here in London since the dates are June 1st, October 1st, December 1st, and February 1st. I am taking it on October 1st, so that is ONE more thing that is going to be on my list for next semester! But at least it will give me the summer to prepare. I told Sarah about the fact that this is when we have to take it, too (so that we can get our applications in well before the deadlines, which they suggest, and so that if we REALLY want to retake it, we still have the December 1st option, which is the last acceptable date to ensure that the schools will receive the results in time), so we'll be going through it together. Actually that will be quite nice since we'll have commiseraters in one another, and the two of us aren't competitive with each other. But it's all becoming so real! It's at 2 pm on October 1st, in Iron Mongers Hall, Shaftesbury Place in east-central London. I've also compiled a list of American Law Schools I'm considering. Out of these I'll draw a pool of the ones I'll apply to. Currently the ones I'm thinking about are:
Boston University, Boston College, UC Berkeley, UC Hastings, University of Chicago, Columbia, Fordham, Georgetown, Harvard, NYU, Stanford, and Yale. My backups are USF and Golden Gate.

But it's SCARY. The LSAT and law school always seemed to be in the distant future, like I never actually expected it to happen. . .weird.

So the process is beginning. And next semester will probably be the busiest time of my life so far. Luckily I will have a job that allows me to study and go online while I work (front desk--THIS time I've talked with them in plenty of time so they can't give it away to the study abroads!). This will be a perfect set-aside time to work on my applications and online tasks, so at least that's fortunate.

In one way it's unfortunate that this is all happening next semester, because my best friends Katie and Ryan will be in London next year. Katie is going to go to Richmond as a study abroad, and so we will be living in the same building! Ryan has gotten into the VERY good design school, Central Saint Martin, in Covent Garden, which is quite close. I'm extremely proud of him, but I had a feeling he'd get in, I think he's very talented. So I am THRILLED to show them 'my' London next term, but too bad it wasn't this term when I had a relatively easy time of it. Next year looks like this:

o FIVE senior-level History courses
o My graduating-honors-student project based on a course called 'London in Text.'
o Studying for the LSAT
o Taking the LSAT!
o Applying to law schools
o Writing the essays needed for the applications
o Gathering the up-to 4 recommendation letters required.
o Working

And on top of this, of course, Katie and Ryan will be here!

o 5 more senior-level major requirements
o My senior history dissertation
o Preparing for graduation!

So yeah. . .that's me. I'm freaking out a little right now, but maybe I'll just learn how to not sleep, hehe. I need to practice for law school anyway.

Oh one more thing! We've set the days for going to Thailand. We're leaving 3 after I return from England. My body isn't going to know what the hell is going on, lol. But I can't wait!

Sooner or Later

What song is playing on my iTunes right now:
Millenium by Robbie Williams

What I'm reading:
I'm about to settle in for some more of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell

What I'm Wearing:
pale pink cropped pajamas with red pinstripes, a red tank top. Very valentines day-ish

Back to anecdotal journalism again! - Tuesday, May 1st, 2007
Plan? - Monday, Jun. 19, 2006
FINALLY things are going better!
(This month redefined my understanding of stress and 'hell')
- Monday, April 24th, 2006
Just a few more days! - Monday, February 27th, 2006
Another one to chalk up to College Experiences - Sunday, February 12th, 2006

Chloe � 2006