|The London Times|

What I've been up to
Thursday, December 9th, 2004 at 8:24 p.m.

Sooner or Later

Apologies to the person to whom I e-mail this. . .

Also, this is a silly entry. You've been warned.

I've had an eventful week, indeed. My friends all came back from Florence and are staying with me while they find a flat. In fact they're looking at places as I type. But we went out three nights in a row and then last night was our one night's rest before going out again tonight (good thing too, as I will explain later). The outings have been. . .interesting.

Sunday night my friends had plans with these two other girls they know from school so I went out with my friends here to this place on Leicester Square, and we all got pretty trashed and annoying, lol.

My friends came back that night at the same time, and in fact wouldn't have known how to get back if they hadn't seen us on High Street Kensington! Apparently they were incredibly bored and annoyed by the other girls, which made me secretly really happy because they annoy me too, and I had a private competition with them, on who would be the preferred friend. Weird of me, I know, but HA I WON! And that's what counts, heheh.

So then on Monday we were supposed to go to Wax Bar (where I met John) but they were having a private party so we to a nearby place called The End. Now, this is a WELL-KNOWN place that I haven't gotten a change to go to yet, but Monday night was Indie Rock Night, and so we, in our designer jeans, pointy-toed heels, and trendy colorful tops, were definitely out of our element! Oh well we danced and had fun anyway, and it was interesting like I said.

Tuesday night, a place off Picadilly Circus is a popular destination due to their 1 pound pints for students, and so it was crowded. Okay, now this is WEIRD. . .I had only three drinks--THREE--and I got the drunkest I've ever been in my entire life. It was really creepy. All I had were 2 rum and cokes, and 1 glass of white wine, and yet I am blacked out for like 60% of the night, and I seriously threw up. I have been trying to figure out what happened, but I can't. I had a normal dinner, and wasn't taking any meds that could have mixed badly. . .also, I didn't have any drinks at the club because I went with ten pounds, and came back with ten pounds! It's not like I could have been drugged either because all drinks I might have been exposed to (and taken a few sips of, or whatever) were bought by my friends at the bar, and then taken to our table where there were like 15 of us, so no one would have the opportunity to slip something in. But on Wednesday morning when I woke up, I had bright red, fine splotches all over my face: broken capillaries. I chalk it up to the throwing up, but who knows.

So apparently I was really out of it then, and there are lots of pictures showing a whole assortment of things I was up to. I'll get them from my friends sooner or later, but definitely within the next week. . .

Then, on the way to the bus, my high heel fell off the curb, and I went down hard, and sprained my ankle and bruised up my knees. It hurt so much, despite me being drunk, that I just had tears coming down my face, and couldn't get up, but I was right in front of the huge double decker bus!! Finally a guy nearby picked me up, but then I had to walk 6 blocks home from the bus stop after that. But then when I woke up yesterday I couldn't put any weight on it, so I literally was confined to my room the entire day. My 2 friends stayed with me too, voluntarily, because we'd all been out 3 nights in a row and needed to recuperate, before going out tonight! We just watched Bridget Jones 1 and The Goonies, and ordered pizza.

But then this morning I realised that I can put weight on it and walk now, yay! So it was just badly twisted, not sprained, apparently. It's still the size of a small melon but at least I'm not trapped in my room that is on the very highest storey of the building, at the very end of the long hall, lol.

So tonight is one of the last hurrahs of the semster at a place we all go to, Cavanaughs, which is this low-ceilinged smoky place with a pub feel, but a club crowd. It's good fun, and they always have a shitty cover band playing which adds to the atmosphere. A big group of us always goes, so you get to see classmates get drunk and make out with one another (v. amusing). So tonight is a lot of people's last Thursday, so it should be big.

Today was my last day of classses, so I start exams on Tuesday. I have 5 finals, ew

Okay. . .this happened in Sex and the City too, so it must be true: How do guys have ESP when it comes to sensing that you have another guy in your life, and so they develop an interest? So basically, when you have no guy, you can get no guy, but once you do, there's suddenly a surplus!!! For example, I have been dating this guy John, who is HOT, athletic, and super-educated and well-traveled. Basically he is just what I'm looking for, so far. So we had a date on Friday, and guess who gets in touch with me on Monday and asks me out for this Saturday? Carl, my ex!!!! Whom I haven't had more contact than e-mails in many months! But it seems that as soon as I have a new potential, he picks it up on his radar and swoops in. WEIRD. So yeah, I thought what the hell, and so we're getting together.

Sooner or Later

What song is playing on my iTunes right now:

What I'm reading:

What I'm Wearing:

Back to anecdotal journalism again! - Tuesday, May 1st, 2007
Plan? - Monday, Jun. 19, 2006
FINALLY things are going better!
(This month redefined my understanding of stress and 'hell')
- Monday, April 24th, 2006
Just a few more days! - Monday, February 27th, 2006
Another one to chalk up to College Experiences - Sunday, February 12th, 2006

Chloe � 2006