|The London Times|

And I'm Back
Monday, April 25th, 2005 at 10:45 p.m.

Sooner or Later

It was a quick trip but I'm extremely glad that I went, because not only was I able to be there with my family at this time, but I was able to witness how the tight community really pulls together. Also I was able to hear some really great stories that other people had about my grandfather, really great memories. I also met some family I'd never met before: my grandmother's first cousins. I was also really glad that I could go because I was able to see my mom, and otherwise, I would have gone 6 months without seeing her, which is long enough to be away from home, let alone not see her.

It was a three day funeral-extravaganza. I went straight from the airport on Wednesday to the town, which is across the state and therefore about 4 hours, to the viewing and prayer service, and they had just startyed when we walked in. Up until that moment I hadn't really felt anything, but after taking that really long journey, and seeing my mom and granmother there in the first row, and everyone behind them, and my grandpa at the front of the room in his casket, I got very overwhelmed suddenly. It was difficult because I've never been to a funeral, let alone seen a dead body, let alone my grandfather! So I couldn't look right away. My grandmother put up to big bulletin boards full of �pictures, of which I was featured quite a bit, including many I hadn't seen from when I was a ababy, with my grandpa, that were so, so cute. Plus there were a lot of pictures from when he was a kid that I hadn't seen, that I really enjoyed. All in all they were a really good, representative collection of his life. After I had scrutinized every one, I then talked to a lot of people who had come, who have known me since I was born, and were really supportive. And finally I got to talk to my mom and grandma, and when everyone started to leave, we went up to the casket together and I really looked. It was so bizarre. . .I'm sure anyone who has been in this position can relate. But I had nothing to compare it against, since I've never been to a viewing, and the fact that it was Grandpa, well. . .it was very strange. But at the same time, it wasn't him. He always had a twinkle in his eye, and now it was extinguished.

The next day was another viewing, and we said goodbye one last time, and it was sealed. Then it was the funeral, which many people said was one of the best funerals they'd been to. That sounds weird, but apparently it was very uplifting and positive, and was a celebration of his life, which, at his age, I think is appropriate. Also, my mom said that she was comforted by it, which has never happened to her before, apparently. After that we escorted the casket to the hearse, where it went to the crematorium, but we had a big luncheon with everyone who had come, and it was very very nice. I met even more people from the community, who all had great memories they shared with me.

The next day was the burial, and up until then the weather had been sunny but cold. That day it was not only dark and cloudy, but there was a wind unlike anything I've ever felt in my life. It was uncredibly powerful and whipped us all over the place, and it was so loud. When I think back on that day, that's what I'll really remember. But it was easier, I think, seeing a small box go into the plot, rather than a coffin, because it was just ashes, not HIM, and so you don't have that terrible mental image of your loved one under the earth. . .and all that comes with it. . .

The next day I went into the nearby city with my mom and we had really nice alone time and went shopping, where she bought me a GORGEOUS white gold, sapphire, and diamond ring. I would take a picture of it, except that I left my camera in Minnesota. She is ordering the same one to be made as well, so we'll have matching ones. I think it's because we've been really missing each other lately that she was all for it. Also, we have both been wanting a ring just like this (her much longer than I, admittedly!) to wear on our right ring fingers, so it was kind of a wish-fulfillment for both of us. We had a nice time together, we went on long walks along the praire and saw The Interpreter (love those actors, so good), aside from shopping. So now that I've had my family fix, and said goodbye to my grandpa, I guess �I'm ready to face finals, ugh. . .

Sooner or Later

What song is playing on my iTunes right now:

What I'm reading:

What I'm Wearing:

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Chloe � 2006