|The London Times|

Debate 1
Friday, October 1st, 2004 at 4:23 a.m.

Sooner or Later

�Skip ahead one paragraph to avoid Girly Interlude and arrive at the titular section�

I finally got my hair cut! It's the shortest I've ever had it but not freakish; it brushes my shoulders and it's got great layers in it. Now that the rest of my hair isn't weighing it down the curls are springy and soft�I love it!! I got it done around the corner just of high Street Kensington and all the hairstylist were French and flambouyant. It was fabulous! It's also a different color: a darker shade of auburn. I'm so pleased with it (no more damn damaged blonde!) and everyone very much loves it as well. I almost feel like a new me, and definitely it's more mature and, dare I say, sexy? I'll have some shots of it up soon, as well as more pics from this week. I'm just fully loaded!

But onto the much, much more important issue that concerns me more significantly. . .
(If you're a Republican, bail, BAIL! Or be masochistic, your choice.)

I just finished watching the debates (at 2 in the morning here but there were actually quite a few of us there in the Common Room). I am sick of the process by now, and there was never a question of for whom I'd vote (since the outcome of the primaries)�but I wanted to see Bush completely outwitted. And, I felt he was, to a high degree.

There were several hilarious (but tragic considering he's our president) 'highlights' (aside from his pronunciation 'nucular' of 'nuclear'. . .um, it's not hard to say correctly. You're the president, c'mon.)

Once was that glaring Freudian slip (done at the most ironic moment possible) as Bush was talking about Sadam Hussein and said "Osama Bin Laden" instead? Right when Kerry was accusing him of misleading the people that they were a united threat!! And he didn't even realize his mistake for a second! Let's also not forget the very long spaces of dead air throughout, and his fidgeting with his papers in nervous agitation. I almost felt embarrassed for him! Almost. But that was quickly overrided by derision, lol.

I thought Kerry was in top form: collected, confident, articulate, eloquent, and very well-informed. If you didn't listen to them, or heard them on the radio, you missed the repeated suppressed smiles he wore while Bush went on. I bet he was thinking of the exact way he knew he could slam him next and felt, this guy is making me look good!

I am very very pleased with that debate; I also liked the atmosphere. Except for one girls (my friend actually), who left almost right away (she was drunk anyway lol) every single one of the many of us in the room were voting for Kerry. We had plenty of sarcastic commentary for Bush, and affirmation for Kerry when he made a good point.

Also if you heard or watched them, do remember when he was talking about how the US, under his adminstration, brought freedoms to Afghanistan and Iraq, and he used executions as an example of their "former state" (which, by the way, I felt seemed overtly patronizing towards the inhabitants, with an imperialistic flavor)? Anyway though, executions? Does that remind anyone of Texas?! I thought that was ironic, too.

It's seriously time for an intelligent man as our president, and I think tonight Kerry presented an extremely clear comparison, in which he proved vastly superior intellectually.

Bring on the next round!

Sooner or Later

What song is playing on my iTunes right now:

What I'm reading:

What I'm Wearing:

Back to anecdotal journalism again! - Tuesday, May 1st, 2007
Plan? - Monday, Jun. 19, 2006
FINALLY things are going better!
(This month redefined my understanding of stress and 'hell')
- Monday, April 24th, 2006
Just a few more days! - Monday, February 27th, 2006
Another one to chalk up to College Experiences - Sunday, February 12th, 2006

Chloe � 2006