|The London Times|

Monday, January 24th, 2005 at 11:28 p.m.

Sooner or Later

These January Sales will be the death of me! It's the month where London shopping actually (almost, almost) becomes affordble in shopping. It's total madness! I got a $300 (�150) short black down jacket with (faux!) fur-lined hood for only $70 (�35). Insanity! And a previously $70 shirt for $10. Thanks Warehouse! Other destinations included Harvey Nichols, where I salivated over the most perfectly-fitting, gorgeous pair of D&G singlasses evah and Chanel No. 5. . .luckily I had forgotten the plastic, and so I was spared buyers guilt, though actually I relented with the perfume in the brand new amazingly wonderful High Street Ken Boots later, nonetheless (I HAD to! My other perfume has vanished--arghh).

In a fitting act of karma, my Visa card has vanished, pretty much forcing me to reign in the spending, and serving me to a cold serving of pennilessness. I tried my online banking's transfer option (into my London NatWest account) but for some reason you can only do transfers if you have two accounts. . .ugh. So, I wrote my mom a pleading e-mail asking her to once more bail me out. Sigh.

But before this all happened I had a very enjoyable, pound sterling-free day on Sunday, so it can be done! My friend Nabila and I had a long "romantic" stroll starting at the west end of Kensington Gardens all the way to the Knightbridge side of Hyde Park (there enters Harvey Nichols and the INSANITY of the annual Harrod's sale). But on the way we encountered much nature including some aggressive swans who stole the bread from our hands, or viciously bit the 'lucky' bird who'd achieved it, and a vast family of FAT and friendly squirrels who all live in two tall and dead-loloking trees in Ken Gardens and will come up to your shoe and stand on their hind legs and reach out imploringly in the air up at you for a morsel. They're so cute, no wonder they're fat--people may call them rats with takes but I bet most couldn't resist that sight. Then Nabila actually did begin to feed a real field rat before she noticed the bald take obscured by the underbrush, hahaha. Call me a freak, but it was cute too--it wasn't a sewer rat or anything, and it reminded me of a brown version of the pet one I used to have. He was the best. In addition to that we saw many a variety of water fowl (aforementioned swan, coot, grey heron, cormoran, mallard, wood duck, yelloweyes, etc) Good times.

So today was Monday once more, which is always a sad affair, especially since I only have 2 day weekend days this semester, and they're precious! It wasn't so bad though. I went to the Courtauld Institute in Somerset once again (which I adore! If you haven't been yet, go), this time with my Italian Renaissance Art Hist class, and we spent three hours looking at 10 paintings one by one. It went by rather slowly. . .but then tonight I had a spectacular workout at Kensington Club, which I am set to join (and would have tonight, had I not lost my Visa. . .)

The only thing was, Kelsey (my friend in it) and I had to stay outside for my other friend Sarah to come from her flat, and we waited out there freezing our asses off for half an hour, and finally made our escape when some strange man came up to Kelsey and stood flush against her side and started asking her all these questions and telling her how beautiful she was. CREEPY. His face was literally three inches from hers. It turned out Sarah witnessed a massive auto collision on her way to the gym and was forced to remain on the scene as a police witness, so after all that, she didn't even make it.

The workout was especially good today though, and I honestly believe it was the iPod in action. When asking for it, I enhanced its position by saying how I would love to use it as a workout supplement, and in reality it did pump me up a lot. I was feeling it!

And now I'm REALLY feeling it, the burn that is, so I've got to get into the shower ASAP. Goodnight!

Sooner or Later

What song is playing on my iTunes right now:
Seal Love's Divine

What I'm reading:
Nothing right now really.

What I'm Wearing:
A brown cotton turtleneck, shiny white shell earrings, jeans, and chocolate-brown knee-length boots.

Back to anecdotal journalism again! - Tuesday, May 1st, 2007
Plan? - Monday, Jun. 19, 2006
FINALLY things are going better!
(This month redefined my understanding of stress and 'hell')
- Monday, April 24th, 2006
Just a few more days! - Monday, February 27th, 2006
Another one to chalk up to College Experiences - Sunday, February 12th, 2006

Chloe � 2006