|The London Times|

Last Night in San Francisco. . .Ouch
Monday, March 15th, 2004 at 4:49 p.m.

Sooner or Later

I'm trying to catch up on entries, and I've started here.

I'm back in London, and I am about to fall off my chair with jet lag. I went straight from Heathrow to all-day class, and I was weak and feel asleep the night before I left, Saturday. That meant I wasn't able to sleep the whole way on the plane, so I essentially woke up a 3 a.m. on this time zone. I'm wiped out!

I'm also a little emotionally drained, because the last night was tough. Alex, Michelle, and I were supposed t go out, but first Michelle called to say that she would be too exhausted to go clubbing, but we could still do something else. Fine, though that means that we still haven't done anything over-21 even though we all can get in now.

Then I find out that something horrible has happened with Alex, and she's torn up. So I go over there after seeing Secret Window with my mom. I was really disappointed that my last night (which I'd been looking forward to so much) was going to be such a drama fest, and I was also SO not ready to go back to school. I was upset to leave San Francisco, and leave my mom (for her sake), and my friends (for my sake). So both Alex and I were kind of broken down and emotional, and Michelle was utterly exhausted. What a group we made.

I was really sad for Alex (even though I was condemned for seeing the truth originally), but I was still also disappointed. I couldnt' help it. Maybe it was selfish, but I wanted to enjoy my last night with my friends that I'd have until late July. Of course I didn't blame Alex for her reaction (at ALL), but the timing sucked.

So that was the last night, and I won't see them until at least July 21st. That's a long time. . .

Oh about Secret Window:

I was very disappointed!!! It was soooo predictable, and the very end was just ridiculous! Oh well I like going to the movies with my Mama anyway.

Okay well it's essential I get some sleep now. I know I'm setting myself up for difficulty in getting back into the schedule but right now there is now way I can be awake for another minute!!!

Goodnight all.

I did get into the U.K. on charm alone lol! I didn't have any paperwork proving all my claims of having a student visa, but after a few questions they gave me a stamp for full 6 month residency anyway!

Sooner or Later

What song is playing on my iTunes right now:

What I'm reading:

What I'm Wearing:

Back to anecdotal journalism again! - Tuesday, May 1st, 2007
Plan? - Monday, Jun. 19, 2006
FINALLY things are going better!
(This month redefined my understanding of stress and 'hell')
- Monday, April 24th, 2006
Just a few more days! - Monday, February 27th, 2006
Another one to chalk up to College Experiences - Sunday, February 12th, 2006

Chloe � 2006