|The London Times|

New Year, New Mayor, New News, and a New Age (For Me: 21!!!)
Thursday, January 8th, 2004 at 9:34 p.m.

Sooner or Later

*Cracks open the diaryland page and blows off dust*

It's been awhile since I've updated (what else is new?) but now I'm in a mood--a mood to write! My creative juices are flowing, which is good for writing but bad for my sleep, since I have to be up at seven for work tomorrow. Ugh. . .

Vacation has been really great, but jam packed. That's definitely awesome, I was very happy to see all my friends, but now I am ready to really be a bum and shmarf around the house in baggy PJ bottoms and a tank top. I've been close: I've worn my 'Uggs' every single day since I bought them *cough*fiveweeksago*cough* and they're just like slippers. But I haven't gotten the chance to read, write letters, and generally unwind.

Here's what I have been up to:

I had another New Year's Eve party, at which I had a great time. I even got a hickey again this year! (Which still hasn't gone away. . .Ryan). I got to see al my favorite people in San Francisco (except Michelle but she was busy, hehe) and even some other people I really like, and some new faces! There were many festivities, but then when we ventured out into the rain for the countdown at the pier, we all got separated! So my 2004 buddies were Scott and Keiko. No countdown but good company anyway. We soon all came back and resumed where we left off, except for a few things that came out between people that we don't need to go into! It was only amongst 2 or 3 anyway. . .We, of course, went through crazy amounts of alcohol, lushes that we are. It was awesome though. I just went to Safeway and whatever I wanted I just tossed into the cart! Which of course brings me to the fact that I'm now twenty-one! It is so fun; I've been ordering up drinks everytime I go out. Just one with dinner mind! The only time I drank more than that since turning 21 was my party. I've definitely been a good girl.

So Big Changes. For our city too (Nice segue, hm? Lol)

I went to Gavin Newsom's inauguration this morning. For some crazy reason I received an invitation. I didn't vote for this guy, since I forgot my absentee ballot (remind me that I must not forget for the primaries!!), and even had I remembered, I don't know that I would have. Nevertheless, he was the democrat candidate, and I am a registed democrat. Also, I must be in a demographic he favours. Even the cover of Newsweek sees that he has National Politics in mind, so I assume he wants my support for his future endeavors. Get us early, just like the tobacco companies do. . .It's funny. His biggest criticisms are that he only has interest in the ends, and that San Francisco is simply the means; that he doesn't truly care for San Francisco itself. Newsweek seems to support this, but I guess only time will tell. As inaugurations go it was average. Of course it was a much smaller scale than either the other inaugurations I've attended, though of course they were presidential (and also significantly different from one another as well, in terms of ambience). Ed Asner, the actor and the new mayor's uncle, read a beautiful ode to San Francisco, Maria Shriver and Sharon Stone attended, as well as Slick Willie Brown, former Mayor, and our two senators. The Mistress of Ceremonies left much to be desired however, since she managed to botch over half of the names on the guest list that she announced, including miustakes such as Maria Shriver, rhyming with shiver, Diane Feinstein, rhyming the latter syllable with green, and many, many more. The speech stressed an end to the blame game and partisanship, and finding common ground to promote wellness in the city. It was typical inaugural address fluff, but he was upbeat and positive. And of course, better looking than your mayor. . .unless you also happen to be from lovely San Francisco. Like I said before though, I guess time will tell, like all things. (I'm just full of cliches tonight!)

I just returned from Return of the King. What a masterpeice. It has left me with such a feeling; a feeling that is a mixture of happiness, sadness, and exhilaration. It's rather ambiguous! All I know is that it is my favourite film ever and that those actors have seriously exercised their craft's power. I am just breathless at the display of talent. Let's not forget the score. Howard Shore: genious. He plays each emotions with such care, literally. He captures each indescribable feeling evoked by this movie and somehow makes it tangible. Call me weird, but certain songs from that score are definitely on repeat right now. Hasn't that always happen around this time of the year though for these past three. Ahh, I loved it! It surpassed all expectations. I mean, yes, certain things were missing from the book (I miss the twins--Arwen's brothers, and other things) but in general, wow.

Okay, that's the end of my "review" such as it was.

Oh one more thing: SEE these damn movies. . .you know who you are!!!

Okay, just one more thing: I seriously hope that this wins Best Picture at the Oscars, and the Peter Jackson wins Best Director. He's deserved it!

My mom gave me a late Christmas present last night. She is paying for my Eurail passes to the various countries we (Sarah, Alyssa, Mindy, and I) were planning to go to this summer. So I definitely get to go! It is going to be such an amazing adventure. Some countries under consideration: Italy, Turkey, Greece, Monenegro, Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, The Czek Republic, Austria, and others. I absolutely loved Eastern Europe last time I went a few years ago, so I'm looking forward to going again. And Greece! I've been wanting to go there for ten years! Wheee. We're also going to Spain over Spring Break: Barcelona and Madrid. Maybe we'll venture into Portugal as well. I'd love to go to Lisbon; it's supposed to be really 'Old Europe," like Prague is as well. Also exciting on the international front: Aileen is definitely coming to London next year! YAY. Colleen is also considering it. I have no words to express the adventure. EE!

I've uploaded some pictures from Richmond. If you'd like to check them out, go here.

Goodnight! I have to go watch CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, which I am now obsessed with, thanks to getting the first two seasons on DVD for Christmas!

Sooner or Later

What song is playing on my iTunes right now:

What I'm reading:

What I'm Wearing:

Back to anecdotal journalism again! - Tuesday, May 1st, 2007
Plan? - Monday, Jun. 19, 2006
FINALLY things are going better!
(This month redefined my understanding of stress and 'hell')
- Monday, April 24th, 2006
Just a few more days! - Monday, February 27th, 2006
Another one to chalk up to College Experiences - Sunday, February 12th, 2006

Chloe � 2006