|The London Times|

Monday, September 20th, 2004 at 1:07 a.m.

Sooner or Later

I spent the weekend with my Godmother and Godsister (back from Bournemouth Uni for the weekend) in pure domestic bliss. . .home-cooked meals, free couch and telly (all to myself--didn't have to fight off the packs who wanted to watch the same episode of The O.C. for the hundredth time. . .but watched it anyway. At least I wan't forced!). We watched a very strange, but entertaining nonetheless, "film" Hellboy. It's been out for ages in the U.S. and I really never thought I'd find myself sitting in front of a screening, but apparently it just came out here and my comic-book lovin' godsister insisted. Ah well, they had good popcorn ; )

Today Chris, my godmother-cum-auntie, drove me back into the city with my massive, and I mean massive (how I got them up 9 flights of stairs I shall never know), suitcases that she kept in storage for the summer. Just as we were about to turn onto my street we noticed a to-do around a building. Many people, mostly women, all dressed in various pinks, surrounded a red-carpet-like setup, with the breast cancer insignia all about. I wondered what it was as we drove a little further, then got my answer as a pink mustang convertable passed me, with Gerri Halliwell, a.k.a. Ginger Spice perched upon the back seats. I am rather entertained by celebrity sightings. They happen so often that it's become a rather a blase thing.

-John Hannah--Richmond High Street, my Nat. West. Bank, etc

-Elton John--Vienna, a crystal shop, bumped into my friend Sarah.

-Michael Caine--bumped into me in concession stand queue at his S.F. film premier for The Statement

-Ewan McGregor--the Moulin Rouge function Bri and I attended in L.A.

-Nicole Kidman--same

-Gillian Anderson--same

-Baz Luhrmann--same

-A certain comedian/dramatic actor who has won an academy award--Zachary, one of my best buddies growing up, is his son, but we're friends with his mom, Valerie, not his dad (they divorced a long time ago when he eloped with Zach's nanny. They now have 2 kids.)

-The Queen and Prince of Wales--while I was reading in Green Park, when I looked up at a noise and there they were, driving by, waving.

-Peter Gabriel--his studios in Bath, when attending private concert

-Kerri Russell--Oxford Street Topshop

-Peter Krause--at a Lord of the Rings screening in San Francisco

-The Clintons--Inaugural Tour of Whitehouse.

-Sharon Stone--all the freakin' time in S.F. before she moved to L.A., most recently at the Gavin Newsom (S.F. mayor) inauguration

-George Bush, unfortunately--his Inaugural parade.

It's really quite ridiculous! It seems that I would make this list up, as some starstruck celeb-stalker, to impress others, but I promise that's not the case. It's rather funny nonetheless.

Anyway, my room is finally in order, hurrah. And I have learned that I truly have WAY MORE STUFF than I could ever possiby want. My solution? Sell off all of the good things on eBay.co.uk and bring the rest home for an extensive yardsale. This solves two problems at once: (1) I have way too much stuff, and not enough room, and (2) I am desperately in need of some nice pocket change.

(Stop me if you've heard this before but) Somehow working all damn summer and not spending a penny, but saving it all up in order that I may not get a job now gets somewhat lost in translation. In British this is how it comes out:
"Working all summer and not spending a penny, but saving it all up, means that in one and a half week's time I will be sixty dollars overdrawn and have abslutely nothing to show for it. I will be absolutely baffled, and it will almost be as if I never even worked at all." Except that I did. All summer long. In the morning. Pound (�), I HATE, LOATHE, and DESPISE you. Now, despite all that work this summer, I will have to get a job anyway. Somehow I don't think my career with eBay will cover all the bases.

Sooner or Later

What song is playing on my iTunes right now:

What I'm reading:

What I'm Wearing:

Back to anecdotal journalism again! - Tuesday, May 1st, 2007
Plan? - Monday, Jun. 19, 2006
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(This month redefined my understanding of stress and 'hell')
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Chloe � 2006