|The London Times|

What a Whirlwind
Thursday, March 25th, 2004 at 9:21 p.m.

Sooner or Later

It was Carl's birthday Tuesday, but he didn't do anything because he had a huge project at work. I wasn't able to go anyway, even if he did have something: my girls got here then!

While I was in school they went to the British Museum, after a nap of course! Brianna was stunned and awed apparently. Yes, the British Museum is fantastic. I would have liked to go if I didn't have class, but I've been there three times and next month my World Cultural History class is getting a private tour by one of the museum's leading world experts on Kush. SO I didn't miss out too much.

Anna, on the other hand was exhausted (though I think Brianna was also, but she was too pumped by the collection to notice, lol.)

They did not listen to my advice about sleeping on the plane, but they did have a layover so that can disrupt things.

Then that night it was strictly relaxed. They met Mindy the friend-and-roommate, and we watched the Cast Commentaries of Fellowship of the Ring! Oh yes, bask in my Lord of the Rings nerdiness.

Of which I have Brianna to thank, you know. I never realized my capacity for it until she awoke it in me, lol. All throughout high school I never knew my nerd potential!

I tried to read the book when I was about 7 or 8, but simply could not get into it, but then when I met Brianna when we were both freshmen, she became my "nerd mother," lol.

So we just relaxed. Unlike Wednesday night. A-hem. . .

Wednesday itself was packed sooo fully. I gave them a whirlwind tour of:

� Trafalgar Square

� The National Gallery (where we spent several hours and saw some gorgeous masterpieces. I'd only been there once before, briefly, with Carl.)

� The London Eye

� Big Ben

� Parliament

� Green Park

� Buckingham Palace (whose red gravel front courtyard greatly irked Anna. "Gravel belongs in a suburban house in Arizona, not in London't Royal Palace!!!" Lol.)

� Leicester Square (a.k.a. 'molester square' if you go to any clubs there)


� Soho (where we had scrumptuous Thai food, mmmm.)

But the excitement really started that night, when I took them to the club in which I am often. McClusky's! In fact it's where I met Carl!

Well being Wednesday it was cheap drinks night. A drink for �1.50!!! So we were going to town and having some pretty interesting conversations (I learned a lot about some people, lol!). Then 2 dorkish English guys attached themselves to us which was a bit annoying since I just wanted to talk to my friends, but oh well. Then Anna disappearred somewhere on the dance floor (good for her) and next thing we know she plops herself down on the very same bench (out of all of them in the whole club, lol!). But she's not alone, and in fact she doesn't even see us. She's straddling some guy�whose name we later found out was Tito, lol�and he's feeling her up. And they're making out. Passionately.

Go Anna!

I think she definitely gets the 'pulling' concept here in England (that varies so much from the U.S.).

As does Brianna who was making out with someone else, while Anna and I were having a drunken heart-to-heart in the restroom. That was funny. The club was completely hopping when the two of us went in there but apparently it was about to close, unbenownst to us. So we were just sitting in there, talking, and outside the club was emptying and Brianna waas searching for us! (For a little while, then she just made out.) But when one of the bouncers burst in and told us it had been closed for awhile, and it was empty, we were so shocked! It went from full throttle to deserted while we were in their totally unaware, haha.

But yeah, both Anna and Brianna hooked up!

Oh I remember what being single was like. . .

But after about 7 months, pulling randomly gets kind of old. In the beginning though, what a thrill! (Right Anna?)

Then on the way back on the Night Bus #22 we encountered all the usual assortment of drunks. The wait at the bus stop as well as the ride home can often be the most interesting times of the night. . .

Today, today:

Well, we were supposed to go to Paris but for some reason the tickets were SHOCKINGLYm, and prohibitively expensive. May have something to do with the recent event in Madrid, so we had to cancel Paris plans. It was disappointing BUT in the long run much better. I don't really think it was a well-conceived idea to spend such a limited amount of days trying to do both Paris and London: 2 huge international cities. It was exciting yes, but this probably will turn out much better. We can do London more properly and then next year we can do Paris right as well!

So we stored out luggage and went off to Harrod's where we mocked the inane hats and enjoyed the spectacle. Because OH what a spectacle it is.

Then back to Leicester to get Chicago (the show) tickets, to Piccadilly Square, to Covent Garden. . .where we enjoyed our fist pint of the week and a huge and YUMMY meal of fish and chips. It was up in the first story of an old pub overlooking Covent Garden. Classic.

Then we headed down The Strand to the Adelphi Theatre for the show, which was very fun. I liked the movie better, though these actors did have much better high kicks, lol.

And then back to Richmond, which wraps up the night. More to come later! Ciao

Sooner or Later

What song is playing on my iTunes right now:

What I'm reading:

What I'm Wearing:

Back to anecdotal journalism again! - Tuesday, May 1st, 2007
Plan? - Monday, Jun. 19, 2006
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(This month redefined my understanding of stress and 'hell')
- Monday, April 24th, 2006
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Chloe � 2006